8/26/2020 12:03:46 PM Holding back the tide? UK MAR and EU MAR to remain aligned, for the while By Eric Phillips In Bulmer v Bollinger [1974] Lord Denning famously observed that "[EU law] is like an incoming tide. It flows into the estuaries and up...
8/26/2020 8:20:07 AM IPR enforcement and EU Customs Regulations post Brexit - more work for IPR owners By Slaughter and May Customs detention of articles suspected of infringing intellectual property rights (IPRs) can be an incredibly useful tool for IPR owners...
8/20/2020 3:04:26 PM The future of remuneration: to CRD V and beyond... By Emily Bradley The Capital Requirements Directive V (known as CRD V) introduces a number of remuneration requirements affecting banks, building...
8/18/2020 10:56:08 AM Brexit and Geographical Indications By Slaughter and May You may not be familiar with the trade mark related term ‘geographical indication’ (GI). However, more than likely you have eaten a...
8/17/2020 11:31:30 AM Brexit's impact on the new P2B (Platform to Business) Regulation By Slaughter and May This month the UK Government published a Brexit SI amending the EU’s new Platform to Business Regulation to ensure the regulation works...
8/13/2020 3:01:48 PM Accounting standards equivalence: it doesn't need to be mutual By Peter Bateman In the non-binding Political Declaration that accompanied the Withdrawal Agreement, the UK and the EU committed, in relation to their...
8/13/2020 1:57:30 PM Prospectus equivalence: it doesn't need to be mutual By Eric Phillips In the non-binding Political Declaration that accompanied the Withdrawal Agreement, the UK and the EU committed, in relation to their...
8/10/2020 5:52:10 PM Brexit designs update By Slaughter and May As the end of the Brexit Transition Period nears, both the European Commission (EC) and UK Intellectual Property Office (UKIPO) have...